Looking on the Site Stats, I feel that we do something wrong. Open Data beta is active for approximately 250 days and we are far away from the standards.
259 visits/day: I search for good questions-answers and then publish them on twitter/facebook/reddit with the appropriate hashtags. I made a few tests and saw that if I don't publish anything for a week, total visits are about 200. If I publish something, the next days will be +50 visits. So, how many of us we do it? What if we do it every week and manage to increase the visits?
2.5 answer ratio: It is good. I think it is the kind of the questions (open data) in which there isn't only one answer.
56 avid users: We need users with more reputation. I usually search for questions and answers and voting up them if I like them. Even if they are from the past.
96% answered: Excellent
0.8 questions per day: We need at least 5-10 questions. I don't know if it is appropriate, but can we ask questions and let other users answered them even if we know the answers? Just to create a content for the search engines? This will increase this ratio and also the visits number.
What do you do to increase these numbers?